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Company Legal Name: | | Guardian Eagle Security Inc. |
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Company Headquarters: | | 4311 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 419Los Angeles, California 90010 |
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Principal Officers: | | Hassan M. Galal, Chairman, President and CEOFathi M. Galal, Senior Vice President and Secretary |
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Year Established: | | 2002 |
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D&B D-U-N-S Number: | | 12-837-8515 |
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Better Business Bureau ID: | | 13191728 |
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Workforce: | | More than 500 employees and contractors nationwide. |
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ges.net: | | Over 100 thousand unique visitors monthly |
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Number of Branch Offices: | | 3 |
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Recent Corporate Awards: | | 2007 California "Fit Business Bronze Award" -- State of California Wellness Task Force. |
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Employees who have received special recognition: | | Hassan M. Galal, Chairman, President and CEO -- "2007 National Leadership Award” National Republican Congressional Committee. |
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